Vision & Mission
“St Mary’s community, with Jesus as our inspiration, aims to educate and nurture the development of the whole child.”
Fidelis Esto, or “Be more Faithful”
St. Mary’s Mission Statement
As part of St. Mary’s Parish, and inspired by our Catholic faith, we care for all people and creation.
Work in close partnership with families, parish and the Donald Community to enhance faith, student learning and well-being.
Provide opportunities for each student to achieve their academic potential in an engaging, contemporary educational environment.
Ensure a child-safe, respectful and inclusive environment that celebrates achievement, promotes dignity and resiliency.
Be educators, with a clear sense of purpose and direction, who collaboratively work to deliver quality outcomes for all students.
St Mary’s School Enactment of Vision and Mission.
Communication: Staff and parents are provided with handbooks that outline the school’s vision and mission, policies and procedures. These are also available on the school website. The school community is regularly informed on student outcomes, policy, procedures and practices through the school website, newsletters, Audiri and school community meetings. The school provides an Annual Report to the Community.
Safe environment: St Mary’s ensures that our school is a safe and welcoming environment. Safety is regularly monitored and strategies are reviewed through risk management and policy review. The school implements the Child Safe Standards and monitors its implementation through strategies such as risk management processes and audits. Ongoing Professional learning assists staff to monitor student wellbeing and implement effective strategies.
Provides an Inclusiveness environment: The school is a welcoming inclusive community. The educational program takes into account all student’ strengths and challenges and provides resources to address equity. The curriculum is planned and implemented in accordance with the principles of inclusion. It implements strategies and policies that prevent discrimination and harassment of any school community member or visitor.
Leadership: Leadership actively supports the School Improvement Plan through providing professional learning and appropriate resources and fostering leadership throughout the school. The leadership team regularly monitors school improvement, and meets with staff to discuss data and strategies. The principal informs the School Advisory Council (SAC) on strengths and challenges.
School Improvement Plan: The school monitors and reviews its annual action plan and ensures that there is alignment to the School Improvement Plan. This includes analysis of student data, teaching practices and feedback from the school community. The school undertakes a review and validation every four years.